RFP 2017-0009 Manchester-Chateau Neighborhood Plan


This is from an archive of all opportunities that were posted on Beacon. Learn more about Beacon.

What is it?

The City of Pittsburgh Office of Management and Budget on behalf of Department of City Planning (DCP) invites you to submit a proposal for the Manchester-Chateau Comprehensive Community Plan. The DCP is seeking a consultant or consultant team to create a comprehensive, community-led planning process to result in a comprehensive neighborhood plan. This plan will meet the Department of City Planning requirements for a neighborhood plan that may be adopted by the City Planning Commission. The planning process will include a high degree of community involvement to ensure the final product reflects the neighborhood’s values and creates buy-in from residents and stakeholders. The consultant/team should have expertise innovatively translating planning and zoning languages for the public; assessing and analyzing zoning code, land use, and development patterns; creating strategies for accommodating a variety of land uses within a defined geographic area; and experience with public engagement.

Download Opportunity Documents

Not sure where to start? The document labeled as an RFP (Request for Proposals), RFQ (Request for Qualifications), or IFB (Invitations for Bid) will contain more detailed instructions about the project timeline, what we're looking for, and how to put together a propsal.

How do I bid?

Sealed proposals must be received by the time indicated in the solicitation document on the last day of the submission period. See document for specific instructions concerning printed and/or digital copies. Postmarks are not sufficient. Proposals by fax and email will not be accepted.

Mail or deliver proposals to the address detailed in the main solicitation document (RFP, IFB, RFQ).


February 22, 2017

Opportunity opens for submissions.

March 24, 2017 at 4:00pm

Deadline to submit proposals.

Have a question?

We'd be happy to answer it! Send it to Thoryn Simpson at thoryn.simpson@pittsburghpa.gov.

Please refer to the timeline section of the opportunity documents to see when the question & answer period opens and closes.